Dec 29, 2009

Project me

Welcome to my blog that is Absolutely goalless Totally Purposeful ...

               +27741jodene (563363)           


Ask yourself: What if nothing changes?

Posted via email from jodene's project me

Apr 1, 2009

The history of April Fool's Day

The exact history of April Fool's Day, sometimes known as All Fool's Day is a bit unclear, however history tells that it started in about 1582 in France under the rule of Charles IX when the Gregorian Calendar was introduced and New Year's Day was moved from March 25 - April 1 (new year's week) to January 1.
The word of the change spread slowly in those times and some people never knew about it for a good number of years. Some more rebellious folk refused to acknowledge the change and carried on celebrating the new year on April 1. These people were called "fools" by the rest and became subject to ridicule and sent on "fool errands," sent invitations to nonexistent parties and had other pranks played on them.

This trickery evolved over the years and a tradition of prank-playing continued on the first day of April, eventually spreading to Britain and Scotland in the 18th century and was introduced to the American colonies by the English and the French. Each country has introduced its own flavour to this day.

In England as well as South Africa, jokes are only played until midday as it was considered back luck to play a practical joke on someone after noon.

In Scotland, April Fool's Day is devoted to pranks involving the buttocks and is called Taily Day. Because of this, the origins of the "Kick Me" sign can be attributed to the Scottish.

In Portugal, April Fool's Day falls on the Sunday and Monday before lent. In this celebration, many people throw flour at their friends.

The Huli Festival is celebrated on March 31 in India. People play jokes on one another and smear colors on one another celebrating the arrival of Spring.

Wherever you are in the world and no matter the exact history of this day, don't be surprised if You find yourself being fooled! Happy April Fools everyone ...

Mar 28, 2009

You need this hour as much as the earth does

This evening at 8:30pm, my best friend Greggie and myself are switching off all the lights and turning off the laptops, the television and the radio that usually have our attention. What are we going to do for an hour? We're going to lie in the garden and stare up the stars, in silence. It is something special to know that you do not have to be lonely, but you can still take a few moments out of your life to be alone.
For one hour, we have been asked to honour this planet that has given us all of herself. It is one thing to simply switch off your lights and replace them with a candle as you go about your business, but it is another to rely only on the natural light that surrounds you for a while and be conscious for that hour. What is even better is that new moon has just passed and there will be very little of her light to distract us from the darkness that we have an opportunity to indulge ourselves in. Let us face it, we complain about the darkness even when we are surrounded by light and I am sure many are going to moan about having to refrain from using the light that we do not truly appreciate anyway. No, I am not talking about the light from a bulb or from the sun, but rather the hope and the faith that you have as you wonder through the darkness in this unknown journey of life.
It is Greg and my wish that you do not only honour this blessed planet and give her a moment to breathe and heal for one hour, but that you pay yourself the same kindness. Use this time to also take a deep breath and revel in the darkness with only the faith of the stars as your guiding light. It does not matter if you will not be on your own, that might even make it all the more special, but do yourself a favour and STOP. Stop being afraid, stop fighting the darkness, stop and appreciate the gift of light and hope, stop ... and say "Thank you"! Thank you to this incredibly tolerant planet of our. Thank you to yourself, because if you were not as brave, resilient and powerful as you think you are, you would not be fighting on. Use this great earth of ours as a shining example and make the most of this one hour you have to honour all that is great on this earth and in your life.

PS. If clouds hide the stars, enjoy that lesson too, because their might be more darkness, but it does not mean they are not twinkling just above you. So are you dream!

Please write and share with me how you intend to spend your one hour tonight, or better still, tell me about your experience after. I would love to be inspired by you!

Mar 15, 2009

Go on a journey to truly meet yourself?

Who you intend to be is only changed once you tell yourself the truth about who you are … not who you think you are because of what others have done or said … but who you truly are.

If you have vision boards or do daily affirmations, the majority of it works around changing something about yourself; be it material or physical. Have you ever asked yourself why the change is so important to you? Do you know why you wish for the things you do?
If you don’t know yourself beyond others’ perceptions, you wouldn’t possibly know your heart’s desires beyond it either.

Everything in this world is neutral and only manifests into something once personal thought impacted it. The same goes for you …

No matter what you look like, what car you drive, whether you give coins to a beggar or love the partner who is right for you; none of this is your truth unless you do not allow yourself to be swayed by the perception of others.

Could you write a list of all those things that define you. The things that no-one else has had the power to destroy about you. the things that you know without anyone else’s approval? Like how beautiful you are, how unique you are, how brilliant, creative or successful you can be or how talented you are. What are the unique gift you give to the world every day? If only your perception has defined you, you should be writing lists of talents, gifts, offerings to the world, special characteristics and pure magnificence.

Until then, step out of your own shoes and look at yourself … really look. It’s not often we truly witness a miracle …

Try this exercise for a few weeks …Watch the thoughts that run through your mind about yourself and see how much of that is really your truth or something you have blindly believed due to someone else’s perception of you.
THEN, tell yourself the truth about who you really are … chances are, you’ll meet someone really special and unique along the way … YOU!!!!!

Write to me with any questions about this exercise or share you thoughts so you can help others meet the greatest person in the world - themselves!

Mar 12, 2009

How tarnished is your perception of yourself?

On Perception
Who you intend to be is only changed once you tell yourself the truth about who you are … not who you think you are because of what others have done or said … but who you truly are.

If you have vision boards or do daily affirmations, the majority of it works around changing something about yourself; be it material or physical. Have you ever asked yourself why the change is so important to you? Do you know why you wish for the things you do?
If you don’t know yourself beyond others’ perceptions, you wouldn’t possibly know your heart’s desires beyond it either.

Everything in this world is neutral and only manifests into something once thought has tarnished its place in the world. The same goes for you …

No matter what you look like, what car you drive, whether you give change to a beggar or love the partner who is right for you, none of this is your truth unless you do not allow yourself to be swayed by the perception of others.

Before you fight me on this, stop … go get a piece of paper and write a list about all those things that define you. The things that no-one else has had the power to destroy about you, the things that you know without anyone else’s approval … like how beautiful you are, how unique your features are, how brilliant you are at sharing your feelings, what a great son or daughter you are, how talented you are, the unique gift you give to the world every day. If only your perception has defined you, you should be writing lists of talents, gifts, offerings to the world, unique characteristics and pure magnificence.

Until then, step out of your own shoes and look at yourself … really look. It’s not often we truly witness a miracle …

Try this exercise for a few weeks
Watch the thoughts that run through your mind about yourself and see how much of that is really your truth or something you have blindly believed due to someone else’s perception of you.
THEN, tell yourself the truth about who you really are … chances are, you’ll meet someone really special and unique along the way … YOU!!!!!

Feb 10, 2009

What mark have I left in your life?

I have been standing on my soap box for years encouraging bravery and supporting countless people as they take the first step into the unknown. Of late, a little voice inside of me has been shouting the same things I have said to my students, be it whether I was teaching business economics, massage, numerology, archetypes or life achievement.

Sometimes, however, no matter how encouraging the voices in my head are, they remain unbelievable. We all do it - stare in the mirror and say a positive affirmation that lasts no longer than a couple of hours if we are lucky. I beleive that sometimes the last person you should listen to about your own worth and value is yourself and so I'm about to ask a great favour of the special people who I have had the honour of sharing my knowledege with over the span of 15 years.

Inspire me ...
Share with me the mark I left in your life so that I can pack my backpack of affirmations moulded around the mirror you hold up to me and make my mark in this world.

Most of the time I have rattled cages, ruffled feathers and upset the perfectly balanced apples in your cart, but we both know that the truth is sometimes not what we want to hear ... it is however what we need to hear .. and I am sure I have been that voice for many of you.

Good or bad ... I would be so grateful if you would share with me ... remembering that you can do this anonymously on the blog!

Feb 8, 2009

Should you allow other people to influence your esteem?

If I had to listen my own perception of some of my qualities, I doubt I'd even be writing this blog and I certainly wouldn't feel as talented, gifted and useful as a writer and facilitator. On a more personal level, I would never recognise my beauty and ability to love and nurture.
So, is this a healthy or unhealthy way of improving our ever shifting level of esteem?

When is another person's opinion of you a gift and when is it soul destroying ... how do you know the difference? More importantly ... when is your own opinion of you the most damaging voice you should listen to?

Tell me where you are lacking in esteem or pose a situation where you are trying to determine who is seeing the real you.

Contemplate this: We are told to discover our own truth, but sometimes it's far too tarnished by our own lies.